Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gearing Up

So I'm sitting in my fancy hotel room at the M St Renaissance in DC. I'm here for an orientation with fellow CLSers going to one of 4 sights in India. Because I work at UM's Challenge Course, I naturally assumed orientation meant ice-breakers/ get-to-know-youS followed by serious group bonding. On the contrary, the orientation agenda included three speakers and two panels either covering logistics about the program or career/ fellowship opportunities that we should look out for after the program. Good, useful information, but not what I expected.

Now that I'm here though, I'm a lot more excited about studying in India this summer. Up to know I've been more focused on the things I'm leaving rather than the adventure I'm about to embark on. I'm excited to re-discover India!

Also, from what the alumni said, AIIS seems to really have their act together. The Professors really know how to teach the target language and are committed to making sure your entire experience is both rich and smooth. I know that I'll have to put in a lot of effort and avoid the temptation to speak English, but it's good to know that I'll have good support.

Of course, despite the fact that I thought I packed better for this trip than any of my other oversees adventures (Mom and Andrew can attest that I really did do pretty good), my suitcase is 20lb over the limit. I'm very disappointed and unwilling to part with my stuff even though I know I'll only end up wearing Indian clothing once I get there.

My final to dos:
*go to CVS for a few last minute things (extra strength deodorant and airborne)
*get money from the ATM

Off to the Chophouse for Dinner!

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